Google Drive and Quizlet: A Match Made in the Cloud

Evan Simpson
2 min readJan 27, 2014

Students’ time in and outside of class is precious and shouldn’t ever be wasted. Therefore, the question is how can you, as a teacher, get students to work as efficiently outside of class as possible?

The answer is you can’t — people are going to do what they are going to do. However, what teachers can do is try to make the work they assign as relevant and (gasp!) fun as possible.

It is in this spirit that I suggest the following activity given to me by Anthony Teacher.

1) Create a spreadsheet in Google Drive

2) Create a class on

Author Screenshot

3) Have students create an account on

Author Screenshot

4) Share the spreadsheet with the class with editing privileges (as opposed to just viewing)

For more information on how to share a Google Doc, please watch the following video:

